Digital Security Company: What is it? What is it for?

Digital Security Company is that type of company specialized in providing services, which operates in the area of ​​Information Security, more specifically, in the Provision of Digital Security Services. It is a legal entity (PJ) that provides some type of digital security service in exchange for financial remuneration, through a service provision contract.

Its main objective is to provide services, consultancy or advice on matters and activities related to digital data and information security.

It is an important segment of Information Technology focused on the security of digital systems against threats that seek to violate the integrity of data and information contained in the digital environment.

What is a Digital Security Company?

Digital Security Company is that type of company specialized in providing services, which operates in the area of ​​Information Security , more specifically, in the Provision of Digital Security Services. It is a legal entity (PJ) that provides some type of digital security service in exchange for financial remuneration, through a service provision contract.

Its main objective is to provide services, consultancy or advice on matters and activities related to digital data and information security.

Digital Security refers to the protection of information when in digital form, that is, in the virtual environment.

A digital security company provides services related to preserving the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and information considered important to an organization, throughout its life cycle: creation, manipulation, storage, transport and disposal.

Objectives of the Digital Security Company

Companies that provide digital security services have the main objective of providing and guaranteeing their clients the preservation of confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and information considered important and sensitive.

To achieve their main objective, companies providing digital security services must establish and fulfill some secondary objectives, among which we can mention:

  • Act in the area of ​​providing digital security services with competence and quality compatible with the importance of the topic;
  • Provide quality services at a fair price, which satisfy the specific needs of each client;
  • Attract and retain talent;
  • Empower, value and motivate your employees;
  • Act with quality, deadlines, cost and safety;
  • Generate profit for its owners and shareholders in an honest and sustainable way.

What is Digital Security?

Digital Security refers to the protection of information when in digital form, that is, in the virtual environment. To achieve this, specific protocols and tools are used to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and information contained, transmitted and manipulated by digital means.

Digital Security, also known as Cybersecurity , is an important segment of Information Technology focused on the security of digital systems against threats that seek to violate the integrity of data and information contained in the digital environment.

digital assets such as documents

In a business environment, the term refers to the measures and tools used to protect information pertinent to the business and its employees contained in digital media.

This ranges from digital assets such as documents, files, software, websites and social media profiles, to servers, data storage devices and other equipment.

Digital security consists of non-violation of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of documents and personal data stored, transmitted, made available or manipulated by digital systems.

What is a Digital System?

Digital System is a set of electronic devices for transmitting, processing or storing digital signals that use discrete (discontinuous) values. Unlike non-digital (analog) systems that use a continuous range of values ​​to represent information.

Although digital representations are discrete, the information represented can be discrete, such as numbers, letters, or icons, or continuous, such as sounds, images, or other measures of continuous systems.

The word digital originates from the Latin digitus (Latin word for finger), since fingers were used for discrete counting.

Its use is most common in computing and electronics, especially where real information is converted into binary numerical form as in digital sound or digital photography.

representation by logical and exact values,

It can be said as: a representation of information in an abstract (untouchable) form, which can be manipulated through digital devices, or the form of representation by logical and exact values, of any type of data.

A digital system is a system in which signals have a
finite number of discrete values, in contrast to analog systems
in which signals have values ​​belonging to a continuous (infinite) set.

Digital Environment

The digital environment, also known as the virtual environment or Cyberspace, is a concrete and increasingly comprehensive reality in the daily lives of people and organizations.

When accessing a social network, for example, people are in a digital environment. There they are exchanging data, providing information, authorizing connections and exposing their data at different times, or having access to data from other users. All of this virtually.

company, all of this also in a digital environment

This also occurs in organizations, when an organization’s employees access an address linked to the company on the Internet, they log in, providing users and passwords, access, send and receive important data and information from the company, all of this also in a digital environment.

In these two scenarios, there are several risks related to all these operations, regardless of the level of care these users take.

Digital security, given these realities

Digital security, given these realities, has the role of proposing the protection of these operations with specialized human resources and hardware and software developed especially for this purpose.

Good information security practices are also always encouraged. Furthermore, there is also concern about providing digital tools and devices that provide recommended levels of security.

How Important is Digital Security?

The importance of information security in a digital environment is justified by the large amount of data and information that circulates in this cyberspace and by the numerous threats that exist in this digital environment, which, once realized, can cause serious harm to system users.

In this scenario, data is transferred, accessed and stored all the time.

Today, this information is strategic and considered valuable assets in business. The data brings company results, commercial and consumer information and many more important details.

digital environment; Without this guarantee,

Digital security contributes to information security, ensuring that only authorized users have access to data and information made available in the digital environment; Without this guarantee, any exchange of emails can cause a major problem for the organization or common person. 1-Digital security covers protection from files, documents, software, social media profiles and websites, to hardware, such as storage devices, servers and other equipment.

More than protecting against invasions and external threats, it is necessary to prevent leaks and adversities to data and systems.

before customers

Digital security helps the company to comply with the provisions set out in the General Personal Data Protection Law and guarantees and guarantees its reputation and reliability before customers and supervisory bodies.

The General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD or LGPDP), Law No. 13,709/2018[1], is the Brazilian legislation that regulates personal data processing activities.

LGPD creates a set of new legal

The LGPD creates a set of new legal concepts (eg “personal data”, “sensitive personal data”), establishes the conditions under which personal data can be processed, defines a set of rights for data subjects, generates specific obligations for data controllers and creates a series of procedures and standards to ensure greater care in the processing of personal data and sharing with third parties.

Digital security practices help the company to comply with LGPD determinations and thus avoid contractual, legal or legal problems for individuals or legal entities.

What is the difference between digital security and information security?

Within the world of security, a recurring question arises: what is the difference between digital security and information security?

Although they are distinct activities, the relationship between them is close, with one being part of the scope of the other.

Briefly, we can say that information security is a broader and more complex job, which involves several security segments. It aims to protect the information and data contained and made available both in virtual (digital) and physical space.

storing information

Within this context, information security’s mission is to protect information contained or transmitted on networks, computers, HDs, Pen drives, and other means of storing information in the digital state. As well as those printed and made available on paper or contained in areas, processes, products, equipment and machines.

Currently, the preservation of information contained in the minds of employees is also part of information security.

internal networks, Internet

Digital security focuses on the security of digital operations, that is, on the information contained or transmitted, on electronic means, equipment or structures capable of capturing, storing, processing and transmitting data and information.

It involves the protection of software or hardware (computers, internal networks, Internet, access and transactions on web pages, e-mail, applications, among others.)

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